
New Skill Unlocked!

using the command line

Basic commmands

Moving Around

Creating and Editing Files


Be careful with these commands the rm command deletes files in a way that can’t be undone. They don’t go to the trash can!



Mac Setup


Use the terminal app to access command line tools.

Mac OS uses the ZSH as the default shell. Oh my ZSH! is a nice package that gives you some great add-ons.

Package Manager

A package manager is software that helps you manage applications installed using the command line. It helps keep tools up to date and allows you to have multiple versions of software installed.

Mac doesn’t ship with a package manager but homebrew is by far the most popular and is really useful. You suggest install it!

Windows Setup

The default windows shell, Powershell, is a piece of trash that nobody uses.

You can run a Linux OS on your Windows System using Windows Subsystem for Linux, WSL. This creates a virtual linux system on your machine.

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