
RGB Led Instructions

A RGB led can be used to produce any color.

There are 4 pins. Three pins for each color channel and one pin to connect to ground. rgb pin diagram

Getting the Library

There is a adafruit library that makes it easier to control and RGB led. Download bundle and unzip.

Find the file adafruit_rgbled.mpy and copy it to the lib folder on the pico. This will restart the pico.

file system screenshot


circuit diagram


Copy this code to Mu Editor.

import board
import adafruit_rgbled

# Pin the Red LED is connected to
RED_LED = board.GP5

# Pin the Green LED is connected to
GREEN_LED = board.GP6

# Pin the Blue LED is connected to
BLUE_LED = board.GP7

# Create a RGB LED object
led = adafruit_rgbled.RGBLED(RED_LED, BLUE_LED, GREEN_LED)

while True:
    led.color = (107, 235, 52) #greenish blue
